1) Why is the sum of views of the hours higher than the total views for the day?
This happens when there are long viewing sessions, spanning over multiple hours. A long viewing session like this is counted in every hour separately.
when a Livestream is being watched for 24 hours, then it will be registered as 1 view in every hour. When looking at the daily total, it will still be reported as 1 view in that day.
This same logic also applies to viewing sessions that span over more than 1 day, and when comparing then the daily views with weekly or monthly views.
2) How is the metric "Audience Min per Min" calculated?
Hierbei geht es um die gesehenen Minuten pro Minute.
Wenn also z.B. 1000 Clients einen Stream mit der Länge 10 Minuten innerhalb einer Stunde jeweils einmal vollständig gesehen haben, ergibt das für die Stunde folgendes:
- (1.000 Clients * 10 Minuten) = 10.000 Minuten Spielzeit
- (1.000 Clients * 10 Minuten / 60 Minuten) = 166,66 Minuten pro Minute gesehen
Wenn der Stream an diesem Tag ansonsten nicht angeschaut wurde, ergibt das für den Tag:
- (1.000 Clients * 10 Minuten) = 10.000 Minuten Spielzeit
- (1.000 Clients * 10 Minuten / 60*24 Minuten) = 6,944 Minuten pro Minute gesehen
3) Wieso werden bei Livestreams keine Werte in den Metriken "1-50%, 50%-90%, 90%-95% und completed stream" ausgewiesen?
Da die Angabe einer Duration für einen Livestream keinen wirklichen Sinn ergibt, kann keine explizite Spieldauer für einen Livestream als Grundlage der Messung zu Verfügung gestellt werden.
Folglich kann auch keine Einsortierung in Sehanteile erfolgen.What should I be tracking?
In the first iteration of TVPR, your implementation should track only programme content and no advertisements. You should call the library's track-Method only once per stream.
How do I manage pre- and mid-rolls?
In most cases, it is enough to connect the Kantar library to only the content object in your player, and not connect it to advertisement objects. The library will automatically keep track of the content when it is being paused for mid-rolls. You should not try to micro-manage what the library is doing.
What metadata must I provide to the library?
See Player monitoring requirements. Our library needs to receive mandatory information on the current position of the stream in seconds, a stream identifier (unique BARB Content ID and/or name of the stream) and information about the stream duration if the stream is VOD not live (so-called duration of the stream).
How do identify my programme content?
See Player monitoring requirements. For on-demand you must provide the BARB standard Content ID. For live, this is still being revised because it might not always be possible to supply a standard Content ID in a live context.
When should I call Start/Stop?
You should call Start (so-called "track-Method") only once at the beginning of a stream.
You should call Stop only at the end of a stream, to stop the measurement.
Should I call Pause/Resume?
There is no functionality to "pause" or "resume" the measurement. The Kantar Spring libraries "live and die" together with the content being played.
What should I do if duration (media length) is not available at the start of my stream?
We have seen cases where duration of a stream is not available to the library until after 10-20 seconds. This is not a problem.
How and when is data transmitted?
a. All transmission is over http
b. Get requests, not POST
c. Flushed on event
What happens if my app is sent to the background by the user?
Stop event when goes to background causing a new stream to start when user returns and resumes.
What happens during clock change (DST changeover)?