Advise for Implementation when using Android 3.0 and higher Versions
Note |
Note: Starting from Android 3.0Since Android 3.0 network accesses are not allowed from the main thread anymore. Thus, the Spring.commit () method is achieved in a background thread. For this reason, please keep the initialization and usage of Spring lib in your main UI thread, Spring lib will not block your GUI display. Otherwise background thread conflicts might pop up. |
Therefore it is necessary to add the following lines into the ProGuard configuration file:
-keep class de.spring.** { *; }
-keep class de.spring.** { *; }
-keep class org.apache.** { *; }
If you want to suppress the warnings regarding library-program-class-dependencies , please add to the configuration file
-dontwarn android.webkit.WebView
-dontwarn android.webkit.WebViewClient
Implementation Blackberry
The following example shows the basic installation for the Blackberry platform. When generating the class SpringMobile
a site identifier (<site>) has to be indicated, which is shipped together with this documentation and the libraries.
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* Importing SpringMobile
import de.spring.mobile.SpringMobile;
* Generating SpringMobile entity with site id and
* application name
SpringMobile spring = new SpringMobile("<site>", "myApplication1");
* Sending the start of the application to the measurement system
Hashtable target = new Hashtable();
target.put(SpringMobile.VAR_ACTION, SpringMobile.APP_STARTED);
try {
// ...
} catch (ParamNotSupportedException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Sending the action spring.BACKGROUND
Hashtable target = new Hashtable();
target.put(SpringMobile.VAR_ACTION, SpringMobile.APP_BACKGROUND);
try {
} catch (ParamNotSupportedException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
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* Alternative method
* Sending the action spring.BACKGROUND with own
* connection parameters
Hashtable target = new Hashtable();
target.put(SpringMobile.VAR_ACTION, SpringMobile.APP_BACKGROUND);
Hashtable bbprops = new Hashtable();
bbprops.put("deviceside", "true");
try {
} catch (ParamNotSupportedException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
Example: Implementation of an app page request via the action variable (ac)
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* example AC
Hashtable target = new Hashtable();
target.put("ac", "Mainpage");
try {
// ...
} catch (ParamNotSupportedException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
Info |
Although the library provides the possiblity of using connection parameters, it is highly recommended to use "spring.commit(Hashtable target)". While using connection parameters that are not supported a respective exception is thrown. |
Implementation Windows Phone
The following example shows the basic installation for the Windows Phone 7 platform. When generating the class SpringMobile
a site identifier (<site>) has to be indicated, which is shipped together with this documentation and the libraries.
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* Importing SpringMobile
using spring_mobile_wp7;
* Generating SpringMobile entity with site id and
* application name
SpringMobile spring = new SpringMobile("<site>", "myApplication1");
* Sending the start of the application to the measurement system
Dictionary<String, String> target = new Dictionary<string, string>();
target.Add(SpringMobile.VAR_ACTION, SpringMobile.APP_STARTED);
* Sending the action spring.BACKGROUND
Dictionary<String, String> target = new Dictionary<string, string>();
target.Add(SpringMobile.VAR_ACTION, SpringMobile.APP_BACKGROUND);
Example: Implementation of an app page request via the action variable (ac)
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* Example AC
using spring_mobile_wp7;
* Generating SpringMobile entity with site id and application name
SpringMobile spring = new SpringMobile("<site>", "myApplication1");
* Sending AC to the measurement system
Dictionary<String, String> target = new Dictionary<string, string>();
target.Add("ac", "Mainpage");
Info | |||||
For the measurement we need the device ID. Please set the right for reading the device ID into a config file (WMAppManifest.xml).
Implementation Titanium (not supported at the moment)
Include Page | ||||