7 - Duration analysis - CDMF submissions

7 - Duration analysis - CDMF submissions

It is recommended to use this Check 7 in conjunction with Check 6 as they both complement each other and make sure that durations in CDMF are both to the right specification (Check 7) and appropriate for tag (Check 6).

As described in previous section (4.6), duration of content is part of metadata submitted via XML into CDMF. Valid duration is considered to be between and including 300 (5min) and 43,200 (12hours) seconds. This check shows how many records have CDMF duration outside boundaries: 300 seconds and 43,200 seconds

TLOG software will overwrite submitted CDMF duration with the mode of tag durations (duration that appears most often in player tags) based on Census report, in following condition:

  • CDMF duration will be updated only if it is outside of 300 - 43,200 seconds range, and if Census mode duration (mode tag duration) is within this range.

If CDMF duration is within this range, then it will not be changed, even if Census tag duration is significantly different. This ensures that content duration used for reporting is as accurate as possible, even if broadcaster submits 0 or 1 duration in XML.

Please note that this Check is based on the submissions into CDMF by the recipient of the Checks.

  • A player owner will see the numbers based on what they submitted, for their own channels and for any third party content owner. They will not see any numbers based on what any of the third party content owners on their platform submitted.
  • A third party content owner will only see numbers based on what they submitted and so will not see any numbers for what a player owner submitted for them.

Also note that this Check will display all CDMF durations for one particular record that fall outside of the boundaries, which means that it is possible there will be some additional duplication.

Recommendations and consequences of non-compliance


Duration submitted via XML should be between 300 and 43,200 seconds and the values from tags should not vary more than 5%.

Consequences of non-compliance

If durations in XML are less than 5 minutes or more than 12 hours, they will be replaced in CDMF with the mode of tag durations based on the census report. Assuming it falls within this range. If both are below 300 then the higher of the two will be used. Durations over 12 hours are never used to overwrite anything. Incorrect durations can cause suboptimal co-viewing factors.

Playtime in this check is driven by viewed content in Census.

Output Columns

Column name



Player name

Content owner

Player owner or 3rd Party broadcaster name


Live or On Demand – **only applicable for playtime version

CDMF duration out of range

Count/percentage of records (or playtime) where CDMF duration is < 300 sec or >43,200 seconds

Valid CDMF duration

Count/percentage of records (or playtime) where CDMFS duration is within 300 to 43,200 seconds


Total count

In summary reports, columns will be colour coded as follows:

Red Colour

  • CDMF duration out of range – percentage of record count
  • CDMF duration out of range – viewed playtime
  • CDMF duration out of range – calibrated playtime

Green Colour

  • Valid CDMF duration – percentage of record count
  • Valid CDMF duration – viewed playtime
  • Valid CDMF duration – calibrated playtime

Red columns require attention and percentage in those columns should be minimized.

Detail report only contains records where duration is out of range. Records with valid CDMF duration will not be included in detail report.

Data in detail report is sorted based on CDMF duration in following order:

  1. Lowest to highest duration

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