Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Streaming Measurement in iOS

This chapter describes the basic use of the sensor for the measurement of streaming content.


Properties of the Library


If this property is set to false, no requests are sent to the measuring system  


If this property is set to true, requests to the measuring system pass through a persistent ringbuffer.

debugfalseIf the value is set to true, the debug messages are issued by the library 
timeout10Timeout Setting for the HTTP-Request


Lifecycle of the Measurement


When you start the app the sensor must be instantiated once. It is not possible to change the site name or the application name after this call.

Code Block
KMA_SpringStreams *spring = [KMA_SpringStreams getInstance:@"sitename" a:@"TestApplication"];



The site name and application name is specified by the operator of the measurement system.


From this point on, the method getInstance must be used .

Code Block
KMA_SpringStreams *spring = [KMA_SpringStreams getInstance];


Implementation of the Adapter


Code Block
@protocol@interface KMA_Player_Meta <NSObject>
-(NSString*) getPlayerName;
-(NSString*) getPlayerVersion;
-(int) getScreenWidth;
-(int) getScreenHeight;

@interface StreamAdapter : NSObject {
- (id) init:(NSObject *)stream;
-(NSObject<Meta> : NSObject<NSCoding, NSCopying> {
@property (retain,readwrite) NSString *playername;
@property (retain,readwrite) NSString *playerversion;
@property (assign,readwrite) int screenwidth;
@property (assign,readwrite) int screenheight;


@protocol KMA_StreamAdapter
-(KMA_Player_Meta*) getMeta;
-(int) getPosition;
-(int) getDuration;
-(int) getWidth;
-(int) getHeight;


Beginning of the Measurement

This chapter explains step by step how a streaming content is transferred to the library for the measurement. 


In the library an adapter for class MPMoviePlayerController AVPlayerViewController from the MediaPlayer.framework AVKit ramework is settled.

The source code for this implementation can be found in Appendix Anhang A and in the library.


The following code block shows an example for the use of the library.

Code Block
MPMoviePlayerController *
@property (strong,nonatomic) AVPlayerViewController *player;

player = [[[MPMoviePlayerControllerAVPlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL: theURL] autorelease];

player.player = [AVPlayer playerWithURL:url];

self.player.view.frame = self.videoPlaceholder.frame;
[self.view addSubview:self.player.view];

KMA_MediaPlayerAdapter *adapter = [[KMA_MediaPlayerAdapter alloc] adapter:self.player];
//Call track to track the video player

NSMutableDictionary * atts = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[atts setObject:@"live/iOS/teststream" forKey:@"stream"]; //mandatory
// [atts setObject:@"test" forKey:@"cq"]; //optional see implementation guideline
// [atts setObject:@"1369" forKey:@"vt"]; //optional see implementation guideline
// [atts setObject:@"testSiteName" forKey:@"sitename="]; //optional see implementation guideline
Stream *stream = [self.spring track:adapter atts:atts];
[atts release];


  Then an NSDictionary is generated in order to formulate more detailed information about the stream.   Therefore the attribute stream must always be specified 


The attribute stream is always required and must be specified for each measurement



A stream is measured as long as the application is in the foreground. When the application goes into the background, the current status is transmitted to the measurement system and the measurement stopsIf the stream should be measured again, when the application will come back to the foreground, the method track must be called again.


End of the Measurement

After the measurement of a stream has been started, this stream is measured by the sensor. The measurement can be stopped by calling the method stop on the stream object. All measurements will be automatically stopped by the library, when the application goes into the background.



If the stream should be measured again, when the application comes to the foreground or after the method stop has been called, the method track must be called again.


Foreground- and Background Actions



Once the application is in the background all measurements in the library are stopped, i.e. when the application goes to the foreground, the measurement on a stream must be restarted.


If the application is closed, the method unload can be called. This call sends the current state of the measurements to the measuring system and then terminates all measurements. This method is automatically called by the library, when the application goes into the background.

Code Block
[[KMA_SpringStreams getInstance] unload];


Appendix A

Anhang A
Anhang A

In the following example, the adapter has been implemented for the media player from the standard API.

Code Block
//  KMA_MediaPlayerAdapter.m
//  KMA_SpringStreams
//  Created by Frank Kammann on 26.08.11.
//  Copyright 2011 spring GmbH & Co. KG. All rights reserved.

#import <MediaPlayer/MediaPlayer.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import "SpringStreams.h"

@class MediaPlayerMeta;

@implementation MediaPlayerAdapter


 * Implementation of a KMA_StreamAdapter.
 * @see KMA_StreamAdapter
@implementation KMA_MediaPlayerAdapter

AVPlayerViewController *controller;
NSObject<Meta>KMA_Player_Meta *meta;

 - (id)adapter:(MPMoviePlayerController *)player {
    self = [super init:player];
* Initialize the adapter with the MPMoviePlayerController
 * @see
- (KMA_MediaPlayerAdapter*)adapter:(AVPlayerViewController *)player {
    //if (self) {
        meta = [[MediaPlayerMetaKMA_Player_Meta alloc] init] meta:player];
        meta.playername = @"AVPlayerViewController";
        controller = player;
    return self[super init];

 * Returns the meta object.
 * @see MediaPlayerMeta
- (NSObject<Meta>KMA_Player_Meta*) getMeta {
    return meta;

 * Returns the current position on the KMA_Stream in seconds by calling
 * the method MPMediaPlayback.currentPlaybackTime
 * @see
- (int) getPosition {
    int position = (int)roundCMTimeGetSeconds([controller currentPlaybackTime]controller.player.currentItem.currentTime);
    // in initialize phase in controller this value is set to -2^31
    if(position < 0) position = 0;
    return position;

 * Returns the duration of the KMA_Stream in seconds by calling
 * the method MPMediaPlayback.duration.
- (int) getDuration {
    return CMTimeGetSeconds(int)round([controller duration]controller.player.currentItem.duration);

 * Returns the width by the controller view.
 * @return contoller.view.bound.size.width
- (int) getWidth {
    return controller.view.bounds.size.width;

 * Returns the height by the controller view.
 * @return contoller.view.bound.size.height
- (int) getHeight {
    return controller.view.bounds.size.height;


@implementation KMA_Player_Meta

 * Returns the player name
 * @return the string "MediaPlayer"
@synthesize playername;

 * Returns the player version.
 * The itselfs has no version so the system version is delivered.
 * @see
- (void)dealloc {
    [meta release];
    [super dealloc];


@implementation MediaPlayerMeta

MPMoviePlayerController *controller* @return The version my calling [UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion
@synthesize playerversion;

 * Returns the screen width my calling the method
 * [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].screenRect.size.width
 * @see
 * @return the width
@synthesize screenwidth;

 * Returns the screen width my calling the method
 * [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].screenRect.size.height
 * @see
 * @return the height
@synthesize screenheight;

- (id) meta:(MPMoviePlayerController *)playerinit {
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        if(player == nil)self.playername = @"iOS Player";
        self.playerversion = [UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion;
        CGRect screenRect @throw= [NSException exceptionWithName:@"IllegalArgumentException"[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
        self.screenwidth = screenRect.size.width;
        self.screenheight = screenRect.size.height;
    return self;

- (id) copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
    id copy = [[[self  reason:@"player may not be null"class] alloc] init];
    if (copy) {
        // Copy NSObject subclasses
        [copy setPlayername:[self.playername copyWithZone:zone]];
        [copy  userInfo:nilsetPlayerversion:[self.playerversion copyWithZone:zone]];
        controller = player
        // Set primitives
        [copy setScreenwidth:self.screenwidth];
        [copy setScreenheight:self.screenheight];
    return selfcopy;

- (NSString *)description getPlayerName {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"MediaPlayer";

- (NSString*) getPlayerVersion {Meta pl=%@ plv=%@ sx=%ld sy=%ld",
          return [UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion (long)self.screenheight];

- (intvoid) getScreenWidthencodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)encoder {
    CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds[encoder encodeObject:self.playername forKey:@"playername"];
    [encoder encodeObject:self.playerversion forKey:@"playerversion"];
    [encoder encodeInt:self.screenwidth forKey:@"screenwidth"];
    return screenRect.size.width[encoder encodeInt:self.screenheight forKey:@"screenheight"];

- (intid) getScreenHeight {
 initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder {
    self.playername = [decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"playername"];
  CGRect  screenRectself.playerversion = [[UIScreen mainScreen] boundsdecoder decodeObjectForKey:@"playerversion"];
    self.screenwidth = [decoder decodeIntForKey:@"screenwidth"];
    self.screenheight = [decoder decodeIntForKey:@"screenheight"];
    return screenRect.size.heightself;


Implementation of the URL Scheme in iOS


  1. you can edit it in any editor, if you do so, please insert the following code:

    Code Block
    			<string>***</string>      //please change *** to your URL name, not so important
    				<string>***</string>  //very important, please replace 

  2. Or you can edit this in xcode, add an item into Info.plist, named "URL types", expand "Item 0" under "URL types", and add two items: "URL identifier", "URL Schemes".

    For "URL identifier", assign your identifier, and for "URL Schemes", add a new item within it named "Item0", REGISTER A UNIQUE URL SCHEME FOR YOUR APP, VERY IMPORTANT!

    It should be like the following:


    Image Removed


  1. Image Added

How to use the different Files in the Library Package

spring-appsensor-device.aThis is the version that has been compiled with ARM support and which is intended for execution on iOS devices
spring-appsensor-simulator.aThis is the version that has been compiled with x86 support and which is intended for execution on iOS simulator
spring-appsensor-fat.aThis is a combined version of the two libraries above, which can be executed on both, iOS devices and iOS simulator
because it contains code for ARM and x86 execution.
This file is called "fat" as it is roughly double the size (because it combines both versions).


If size does not matter for the app, the "fat" version is the carefree option to be used for execution on simulator and real devices.

Include Page
Tutorial on how to import KMA measurement Objective-C library into Swift project
Tutorial on how to import KMA measurement Objective-C library into Swift project