Notes on Presentation

Notes on Presentation

The delivery

The Compliance Reports will be released every Thursday using both e-mail and SFTP.

The e-mail will go out to the recipient list grouped by broadcaster by 5pm. It will have a zip folder attached that holds the Summary Report for that particular broadcaster. Note that detail reports will not be included in the e-mail delivery.

The complete package of the Compliance Reports will be delivered to the broadcaster’s SFTP under the folder ‘ComplianceReports’. They will be in a zip folder with the week ending date of the subject week in the title. The zip folder will contain all 11 files – the Summary Report plus 10 Detail Reports. They will be delivered to the SFTP on Thursday between 9am and 5pm.

It is important to note that only the 2 most recent Compliance Reports will be available at any time in this location.

If you wish for anyone else to receive the Compliance Reports email please see the end of this document for the contact details and the procedure for such a request.

The content layout

Each broadcaster or content owner will receive 11 files in latest Excel format of .xlsx. 10 files – 1 for each of the Checks called Detail Reports, plus 1 Summary Report.

The Detail Reports will be broken down into 2 tabs – Summary tab and Detail tab.

The summary tab will show at top line the results of that Check for the broadcaster. All Checks will have 2 tables (with the exception of Check 10 which has 1 more)  – ‘Summary by unique record count’ and ‘Summary by playtime’.

  • ‘Summary by unique record count’

This table shows the findings of each Check by the number of cases – Content IDs that fall into various buckets of the Check as well as the percentage breakdown of each bucket.

  • ‘Summary by playtime’

This table shows the findings of each Check but grouped by the playtime that falls into each bucket. Playtime is both device playtime and calibrated people playtime.

The detail tab will provide the drilldown at content level for each individual record relevant to that check. These are the records the broadcaster would want to investigate.

A more detailed explanation of what each Check shows in summary and detail tabs will be provided in a later section.

The Summary Report will be a collection of all summary tabs from all 10 Detail Reports. There is no detail tab in the Summary Report.

Note that every broadcaster or content owner will receive files for all 10 Checks even if that Check is not relevant to them or returns no data. The files will have all the formatting with a placeholder row of <No Data Available> anywhere where data would be normally provided.

The visibility

Each Broadcaster will be able to see the compliance for Content where they are either Originating owner, or the Player owner:

  • Broadcasters which do not have players will see data for their content played on other players
  • Broadcasters that are also Player owners will see data for (where applicable):
    • Their own content, played on their own as well as third party players
    • Third party Content played on their player

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