SFTP Access Instructions

SFTP Access Instructions

Compliance reports are delivered to a folder named ‘ComplianceReports’ in your Kantar SFTP directory. This directory is already being accessed by departments within your organisation either to pick up daily viewing data (if your organisation subscribes to BARB data) or to deliver programme and commercial spot transmission logs to Kantar.

The SFTP can be accessed using one of the links below:

SFTP Server:     barbsftp.kantarmedia.com
HTTPS Server (for download only):  https://barbsftp.kantarmedia.com/[username]

You will need your company username and password to access the directory.

Usernames and passwords can be obtained by contacting the departments within your organisation who already access the SFTP. Please note that Kantar does not store this information. This is the preferred method as it allows the current owner to manage who has access to the SFTP within your organisation. The username and password will often be embedded into the user’s software processes and so it is vital that the password does not get changed without the agreement of all users within your organisation.

If you are unsure which departments within your organisation already has access the SFTP, then please contact barbclientservices@kantarmedia.com for assistance.

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