9 - Metadata status available at calibration

9 - Metadata status available at calibration

In Dovetail output – ONE file, Kantar maintains a flag to capture metadata availability at the time of calibration


It is important to know status of metadata as it impacts demographic profiles and co-viewing factor calculation. There are currently four values available in ONE report (flags 1 to 4 below):


1 - All metadata was available at the time of calibration

2 - Genre was missing at the time of calibration

3 - Duration was missing at the time of calibration

4 - Both genre and duration were missing at the time of calibration


This Check provides the count of records in ONE file that fall into one of the above 4 buckets.

Recommendations and consequences of non-compliance

This check provides an indication of how much of calibrated playtime is suboptimal based on missing genre and duration. Checks 6, 7 and 8 are interlinked with this check as they break down each element of this check: 6 and 7 – duration, 8 – genre.

  • Missing genre are genre codes 9998 and 9999.
  • Missing duration is any record in CMDF with duration of 0 and any records autogenerated by VMRG.

Consequences of non-compliance

It is important that Broadcasters submit content metadata by TX+3 in TX logs, and in XML – on, or before, the day when content became available (OD or linear broadcast). This ensures that no viewing is missed from calibration and that co-viewing and demographic calculation are optimal.

Please note that a big factor that contributes towards the missing genre are the autogenerated records. There is no way to acquire their genre data, so they get assigned an unassigned genre (9998).

Playtime in this check is driven by calibrated content from ONE. This check will not contain viewed (device) playtime.

Output Columns

Column name



Player name

Content owner

Player owner or 3rd Party broadcaster name


Live or On Demand – **only applicable for playtime version

All metadata was available at the time of calibration

Count/percentage of records (or playtime) where all metadata was available for the content

Both genre and duration were missing at the time of calibration

Count/percentage of records (or playtime) where genre and duration were missing for the content

Duration was missing at the time of calibration

Count/percentage of records (or playtime) where duration was missing for the content

Genre was missing at the time of calibration

Count/percentage of records (or playtime) where genre was missing for the content


Total count

In summary reports, columns will be colour coded as follows:

Red Colour

  • Both genre and duration were missing at the time of calibration – percentage of record count
  • Both genre and duration were missing at the time of calibration – calibrated playtime

Amber Colour

  • Duration was missing at the time of calibration – percentage by record count
  • Duration was missing at the time of calibration – calibrated playtime
  • Genre was missing at the time of calibration – percentage by record count
  • Genre was missing at the time of calibration – calibrated playtime

Green Colour

  • All metadata was available at the time of calibration – percentage by record count
  • All metadata was available at the time of calibration –calibrated playtime

Both red and amber columns require attention

  • Missing metadata, in particular genre and duration will have negative impact to Dovetail processing
  • This will ultimately result in suboptimal demographic profiles and co-viewing factors

Detail report only contains records where metadata was missing. Records where all metadata was available during calibration will not be present in detail report.

Data in detail report will be sorted based on Metadata status in following order:

  1. Content where both genre and duration were missing at the time of calibration – percentage of record count
  2. Content where genre was missing at the time of calibration
  3. Content where duration was missing at the time of calibration

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