8 - BCIDs have valid genre

8 - BCIDs have valid genre

In Dovetail calibration, one of the most important factors is genre. Check 8 shows how many Content IDs have a valid genre in CDMF.

The records in this Check are grouped into the following buckets:

  • Unassigned Genre – the number of records with default genre:
    1. 9998 – Unassigned,
    2. 9999 – New programme,
    3. 9996 – Autogenerated content*
  • Valid Genre – the number of records with valid genre:
    • Any genre code not in (9998, 9996)

Please note that this Check is based on the submissions into PAS by the recipient of the Checks.

  • A player owner will see the numbers based on what they submitted, for their own channels and for any third party content owner. They will not see any numbers based on what any of the third party content owners on their platform submitted.
  • A third party content owner will only see numbers based on what they submitted and so will not see any numbers for what a player owner submitted for them.

Also note that this Check will display all genres for one particular record which means that it is possible there will be some additional duplication.

Recommendations and consequences of non-compliance

Consequences of non-compliance

Genres help to estimate the number of viewers per view and demographic profiles for a piece of content viewed on a non-TV set device. This is essential in turning device-based data (number of streams) into people-based data (audiences). If genres are inaccurate these estimations become less accurate. 


It is important that Broadcasters submit content metadata by TX+3 in TX logs and in XML - on or before the day when content became available (OD or live broadcast), which would ensure that no viewing is missed from calibration and that co-viewing and demographic calculation are optimal.

Playtime in this check is driven by viewed content in Census.

Output Columns

Column name



Player name

Content owner

Player owner or 3rd Party broadcaster name


Live or On Demand – **only applicable for playtime version

Unassigned genre

Count/percentage of records (or playtime) genre is Unassigned (ID 9998)

Valid genre

Count/percentage of records (or playtime) genre is valid (ID <> 9998)


Total count

In summary reports, columns will be colour coded as follows:

Red Colour

  • Unassigned genre – percentage of record count
  • Unassigned genre – viewed playtime
  • Unassigned genre – calibrated playtime

Green Colour

  • Valid genre – percentage of record count
  • Valid genre – viewed playtime
  • Valid genre – calibrated playtime

Red columns require attention – this content was either autogenerated (genre code 9996*) or not submitted in time to get genre assigned.

Detail report will contain all the records, with both valid and unassigned genre. Valid genre will be mapped to corresponding description.

Data in detail report will be sorted based on Genre status in following order:

  1. Content with Unassigned genre
  2. Content with valid genre in descending order by genre code

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