Implementation Windows Phone 7

Implementation Windows Phone 7

The following example shows the basic installation for the Windows Phone 7 platform. When generating the class SpringMobile a site identifier (<site>) has to be indicated, which is shipped together with this documentation and the libraries.

 * Importing SpringMobile
using spring_mobile_wp7;

 * Generating SpringMobile entity with site id and 
 * application name
SpringMobile spring = new SpringMobile("<site>", "myApplication1");
 * Sending the start of the application to the measurement system
Dictionary<String, String> target = new Dictionary<string, string>();
target.Add(SpringMobile.VAR_ACTION, SpringMobile.APP_STARTED);
 * Sending the action spring.BACKGROUND 
Dictionary<String, String> target = new Dictionary<string, string>();
target.Add(SpringMobile.VAR_ACTION, SpringMobile.APP_BACKGROUND);

example CP

 * Example CP
using spring_mobile_wp7;

 * Generating SpringMobile entity with site id and application name
SpringMobile spring = new SpringMobile("<site>", "myApplication1");
 * Sending CP to the measurement system
Dictionary<String, String> target = new Dictionary<string, string>();
target.Add("cp", "Mainpage");

For the measurement we need the device ID. Please set the right for reading the device ID into a config file (WMAppManifest.xml).

<Capability Name="ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE"/> ...