MobileFacts - development (android)


Commands for development:

  • Test in emulator: cordova emulate android
  • Upload on device: cordova run --device

  • See logs (device/emulator): adb logcat

For more have a look at the CLI-Guide:


Important notice: In case of our MobileFacts app the Sensor-Library has do be advised to send the collected data directly via IOLSession.sendLoggedEvents();.

Steps to create the MobileFacts under cordova 3.4.

  • edit MobileFacts/platforms/android/AndroidManifest.xml and adjust the android:versionCode (mandatory for new release) and the  android:versionName
  • add the SpringPlugin, which includes the mobile sensor to the project  cordova plugin add ../SpringPlugin
  • cd into MobileFacts/platforms/android and execute  ant release
  • sign the apk: jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -signedjar ../bin/MobileFacts-release-signed.apk  -keystore ../keys/keystore-android ../bin/MobileFacts-release-unsigned.apk mobile-facts
  • align the apk: zipalign 4  bin/MobileFacts-release-signed.apk bin/MobileFacts-release-signed-aligned.apk

Done (upload the MobileFacts-release-signed-aligned.apk to the store)