Implementation iOS

Implementation iOS

The following example shows the basic installation for the iOS platform. When generating the class SpringMobile a site identifier (<site>) has to be indicated, which is shipped together with this documentation and the libraries.

Please note!

At the application start the Spring object has to be instanced one-time and to be used for the whole life cycle of the application



 * Importing SpringMobile
#import "Spring.h"

 * Providing entity
Spring *spring;

 * Generating SpringMobile entity with site id and
 * application name
spring = [[Spring alloc] initWithSiteAndApplication:@"<site>" application:@"myApplication1"];

* Sending the start of the application to the measurement system */
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:APP_STARTED,VAR_ACTION,nil];
[spring commit:dict];

// OR
 * Sending the action spring.BACKGROUND
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:APP_BACKGROUND,VAR_ACTION,nil];
[spring commit:dict];

example: cp

 * Importing SpringMobile
#import "Spring.h"

 * Providing entity
Spring *spring;

 * Generating SpringMobile entity with site id and application name
spring = [[Spring alloc] initWithSiteAndApplication:@"<site>" application:@"myApplication1"];

* Sending CP to the measurement system */
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary 
[spring commit:dict];

Timeout (default: 30 seconds)

With this value, a timeout (in seconds) for each HTTP request can be configured within the library.


spring = [[Spring alloc] initWithSiteAndApplication:@"app" application:@"Test App"];
spring.timeout = 30.0; // in seconds


If this value is set on YES, the library provides debug outputs over the class NSLog.

spring = [[Spring alloc] initWithSiteAndApplication:@"app" application:@"Test App"];
spring.debug = YES;

Output example:

2011-11-25 13:42:52.878 TestApp3[73923:ff07] spring (> http://test.2cnt.net/j0=,,,;+,app=Test%20App+did=7ca359bc4c3c6a19;;;?lt=gvf6lykt
2011-11-25 13:42:52.927 TestApp3[73923:ff07] spring (> http status code: 200 - no error
2011-11-25 13:42:56.521 TestApp3[73923:1020b] spring (> http://test.2cnt.net/j0=,,,;+,app=Test%20App+did=7ca359bc4c3c6a19+ac=spring.BACKGROUND;;;?lt=gvf6m1e1
2011-11-25 13:42:56.559 TestApp3[73923:1020b] spring (> http status code: 200 - no error
2011-11-25 13:42:59.388 TestApp3[73923:10013] spring (> http://test.2cnt.net/j0=,,,;+,app=Test%20App+did=7ca359bc4c3c6a19+ac=spring.FOREGROUND;;;?lt=gvf6m3lo
2011-11-25 13:42:59.427 TestApp3[73923:10013] spring (> http status code: 200 - no error
2011-11-25 13:43:04.554 TestApp3[73923:11f0b] spring (> http://test.2cnt.net/j0=,,,;+,app=Test%20App+did=7ca359bc4c3c6a19+ac=spring.BACKGROUND;;;?lt=gvf6m7l5

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