Emedia Census Format Norway
This is the format description for the Norwegian emedia format for TVOV, valid for the exports of the x% sample and the 100% full census export and refers to
Default documentation of the emedia-format can be found here
General information about the implementation
Implementation of Stream Measurement
Focalmeter- and 4Ghome-usage-exports end with the column “dimension” (see below)
This is an updated version of the project documentation (2020-10-20)
field | description |
time | time of the last activity |
start | time of the first activity in session Note: increasingly imprecise due to increasing cookie inconsistencies |
client | client identifier |
first | time of first client’s occurrence with this identifier |
flags | if >1 then more than 2 sessions are longer than 12 hours |
count | Playtime in seconds for this event |
site | The site name counted by the system. |
stream | The stream variable as defined in specific streaming guidelines, see also Implementation of Stream Measurement In the Norwegian tagging guide it’s defined as follows: Defines the site, stream type, channel name and whether the content is commercial.
cq | Unique program-id In the Norwegian tagging guide it’s defined as follows:
seq | This field contains the position of the stream when the play phase was
d11 | not used |
geolocation | ISO country codes / system locale |
devicetype | The devicetype based on the User Agent-string matching
(see also d23 (ct variable)) |
d14 | not used |
dimension | emedia (“dimension” is the last column in the focalmeter- and 4Ghome-usage-exports, while fullcensus- and sample-exports contains the additional fields below) |
d16 | not used |
d17 | not used |
dur | the duration of the stream (if available, else “0”) |
d19 | not used |
d20 | not used |
d21 | not used |
d22 | not used |
d23 | The devicetype that is rendered in the measurement-tag by broadcasters
pl | player-name |
d25 | not used |
plv | play-version |
uid | unique id of the stream-view. This value has to stay the same as long the stream-view for that specific content is not closed. After an ad-break for example, the stream-view is resumed and the UID has to be identical as before the break |
field |
time | 5f52b706 |
start | 5f52b730 |
client | 1550609f5670a6b1 |
first | 5d46e695 |
flags | 0 |
count | 56 |
site | nrkstream |
stream | programspiller/odm/nrk_online/humor/parterapi/trailer-parterapi-sesong-4 |
cq (content-id) | KMNO10006020 |
seq | 0 |
d11 |
geolocation | NO/nb |
devicetype | tablet |
d14 |
dimension | emedia |
d16 |
d17 |
dur | 57 |
d19 |
d20 |
d21 |
d22 |
d23 (ct variable) | tablet/app/ios |
pl | iOS Player |
d25 |
plv | 13.6.1 |
uid | keorx95spvh465 |
Geo-Filter on export-data
All export-data for Norway is to be filtered using the geo-information for Norway “NO” and unresolved locations “#0”
time start client first flags count site stream contentid seq d11 geolocation devicetype d14 dimension d16 d17 dur d19 d20 d21 d22 d23 pl d25 plv uid
5f52b706 5f52b730 1550609f5670a6b1 5d46e695 0 56 nrkstream programspiller/odm/nrk_online/humor/parterapi/trailer-parterapi-sesong-4 KMNO10006020 0 NO/nb tablet emedia 57 tablet/app/ios iOS Player 13.6.1 keorx95spvh465